I'm just about coming to the end of this game. A puzzle adventure with an intriguing story.
I'm not sure why it took me so long to realise that games existed which I not only like, but find inspiring.
This one is a little old fashioned now. It was released in 2002 and nine years is a lifetime in the world of computer games.
It is slow to play, and made to look beautiful. Though the 'actors' seem primitively constructed these days. Sometimes the dialogue drags, but that's the extent of my critisism.
The characters are quirky, grown up (mostly) and as far from conventional shoot 'em up bots as is imaginable. Not only that, but the story is unusual, the themes are not often visited..in game or conventional film.
I'm impressed. Impressed enough to do a little research on the game history and its writer Benoit Sokal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beno%C3%AEt_Sokal a Belgian comic artist turned video game designer.
I don't want to say too much in case, like me, you have never come across this game. Not knowing what to expect has been part of the charm.
The game is avilable for a pleasing £5.39 at Big Fish games and worked fine on windows 7.