After the mind expanding intense experience of co-organising the Expo last year, I've found it refreshing to curl back into a single engine ball, and focus on one thing at a time..well movie makers never have ONE thing to think of, but the parameters feel more defined at least.
So I've been spending my time at Moviestorm, and viewing the Machinima world from a creator's point of view again.
All machinima engines have their advantages, and disadvantages, and Moviestorm, with its lipsynch and easy character direction system, feels focused towards writers of drama.
Another thing I appreciate about Moviestorm is its purpose built nature, no Sims you can't go to the toilet we're filming!..and the level of support given by staff and other users.
This support extends beyond endless 'where do I put my oojah when my thingummy goes purple' queries, and moves into the territory of educating and motivating users to create better films.
This year I have been particularly enjoying Matt Kelland's series of articles, posted both on the moviestorm Blog site, and on Facebook. At least half the posts are relevant to machinima, and filmmaking in general. The easiest way to follow the posts is just to click 'Like' on the Moviestorm Facebook page, and then follow up any links in your newsfeed which interest you.
If you'd like to look back at the archive check out the side bar on this page.
..and while you have your reading specs on, I mentioned Hugh Hancock's Guerilla Showrunner blog in a previous post, this week's post is pure gold How to kill those time Vampires.. it inspired me to start a list.
I'll leave you with my first ever encounter with those secret second life shadows, yeah to the new pc & up to date graphic card!
Needs some fiddling around with light settings to get best effect, but still smiling in delight to see them at all!
So I've been spending my time at Moviestorm, and viewing the Machinima world from a creator's point of view again.
All machinima engines have their advantages, and disadvantages, and Moviestorm, with its lipsynch and easy character direction system, feels focused towards writers of drama.
Another thing I appreciate about Moviestorm is its purpose built nature, no Sims you can't go to the toilet we're filming!..and the level of support given by staff and other users.
This support extends beyond endless 'where do I put my oojah when my thingummy goes purple' queries, and moves into the territory of educating and motivating users to create better films.
This year I have been particularly enjoying Matt Kelland's series of articles, posted both on the moviestorm Blog site, and on Facebook. At least half the posts are relevant to machinima, and filmmaking in general. The easiest way to follow the posts is just to click 'Like' on the Moviestorm Facebook page, and then follow up any links in your newsfeed which interest you.
If you'd like to look back at the archive check out the side bar on this page.
..and while you have your reading specs on, I mentioned Hugh Hancock's Guerilla Showrunner blog in a previous post, this week's post is pure gold How to kill those time Vampires.. it inspired me to start a list.
I'll leave you with my first ever encounter with those secret second life shadows, yeah to the new pc & up to date graphic card!

Needs some fiddling around with light settings to get best effect, but still smiling in delight to see them at all!